Friday, August 5, 2011

Tigger Dances Better Than Me.

I must say. I am jelly.

Adventures with the Office Stripper

As most of the ladies know, we have an office stripper. No idea, how she weaseled her way into the government---but she probably offered free personal shows during lunch breaks and during "meetings outside the building".

Maybe she is trying to start her life over or what not, but I really don't understand how someone grew up in the 20th century going to high school and is currently attending college without knowing how to use the computer. I guess administrative assistants these days are only required to know how to show up to work and sit there and look pretty.

So yesterday, the office stripper decided to show up to work and actually do some work. Barging into my office, she snapped her fingers and wondered if I could read minds and compensate for her lack of. She said she lost the phone number to a Cindy that my office mate had provided her.

Our Convo:

Stripper: "Do you have Cindy's number? I had it on a piece of paper but lost it."

Me: "I don't really know which Cindy you are talking about and I don't know what you are working on to even try to direct you to a specific program area. What's Cindy's last name? If you happen to know it, you can look her up in the global address book. "

Stripper: "Oh, I don't know Cindy's last name... I was just hoping you would happen to know which Cindy that Crystal was talking about."

Me: "What were you working on again? "

Stripper: "I think it's a claim for reimbursement. I'm not really sure."

Me: "Generally, if it is a claim for reimbursement, you pull the accounting code for it if it is coming from our division. Crystal is in a meeting right now, she will be back in about 20 minutes. You can ask her then because I have no idea how I could help you if you don't know Cindy's last name."

The stripper tries to make herself look cute and walks out of my office without saying thanks or bye.

Oh yeah, haha.... WELCOME TO MY LIFE.

Bridal Shower.

My bridal shower is tomorrow :) I'm pretty eggcited for it! Especially after chatting with one of my girls about it:

Sofia: So random but we got our outfits for Saturday yesterday!
Gina: what outfits
Sofia: Oh you don’t know?
Sofia: They emailed us saying we have to wear blue
So tina and I are dressing up like smurfs
Is that ok?


My iPhone lights up and my Mom's name is blazing across the screen in bright, white letters. As I hesitate and dance to my ring tone before picking up, I'm already knowing this call will be interesting.

G: "Hello?"
Mom: "Hi, Geeenah."
G: "Hi, Mom. How are you?"
Mom: "I'm doing reel well; I called to talk to yew about the wedding."
G: "Of course, what's up?"
Mom: "Yew need to come ova on Friday and see da buckets."
G: "Mom, what do we need buckets for?"
Mom: *exaggerated gasp* "All of you need da buckets!!!!"
G: "But.. for what?"
Mom: "Geeeenah."
G: "Mom..."
Mom: "I will take care of da buckets. Yew don't need to worry about dem."
G: "Okay... but can you explain what they are?"
Mom: *heaves an annoyed sigh* "THEY ARE THE BUNCHES OF FLOWERS YOU CARRY!!!"
G: "Bouquets?!!!!"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free Time

I'm sitting here at work in a different office than I am normally in. I've been filling in for almost two weeks now and next week will be my last. Yay! I miss my old office to say the least.

I did something pretty retarded last weekend, I smoked a few cigarettes while I was out and now I can't stop coughing! It's so gross. I don't know if I'm still getting the crap out of my lungs or if I'm coming down with some type of cold. I don't even know why I smoke cigarettes when I drink. Before, it would heighten the buzz and now it's more of a time filler while I'm out. Never, ever again...until the next time...ha. Sike no, I really hate the way it makes me feel.

The girls and I are trying to figure out how to get the Huddle part of Google+ to cooperate so we can all text each other. It seems as the minutes pass, we are getting the hang of it. Paula and Nance do not have AT&T so they can't respond to group texts using their phones. Well, they can, but it's not the same. Huddle will change that! I swear, the people behind Google are geniuses!

There's so much going on in our lives, it's crazy!!! I have a feeling if I were to put it all in this post, it's gonna get pretty lengthy. Oh, well.. here goes...

This past May, we all went to M I A M I for Gina's bachelorette party and it was grand! Sooo many memories...the first few that come to mind are...getting drunk and being VIP in a club that looked like the inside of a trailer...Tina getting drunk off half a pina colada...weirdos starting at me and Anh through our hotel window while we were getting ready....SEX HAIR....killing Gina's electronics....laying on the beach, being the biggest group of females there...GREAT service at the French restaurant way off of the strip....I loved it and Gina's gonna be a beaauuuuuuuuutiiiiiiiiiiiful bride! I can't wait! The day is gonna be here before we know it! What's our grand entrance gonna be, guys?!

We are all going to the beach this weekend and I'm so excited! We've been trying to get to the beach forever and now it's finally happening. I'm uber sad that Onslow isn't happening this year, though. :( Friends, please keep the strawberries far away! Hehe, sike, they don't make my throat swell up anymore! Onslow is always a good time. Memories of some type of "animal" that took a dump on our back porch, singing La Bouche in my car...the boys inflicting pain on one another...the LOVE night...

Nancy is in her final stages of pregnancy and I can't wait to meet Peter Dezmond! I've predicted that he'll come out of the oven, perfectly cooked, on August 15th! I so remember the night we found out. NYE and I was like, "no, you're lying!" and she kept saying, "yeah, I am, I'm not drinking, you'll see.." Andrew Jackson will have a baby buddy. :)

Here's a story for y'all... I've been taking things slow in my current relationship and focusing on work and school and my first priority. My aunt and uncle.......text me and ask if I want to meet one of their friends? This dude is about 35 or so (Ew) and he lives in San Fran. He's well off and he's good looking, so I've heard. Um, sounds appealing if: 1. I was THIRTY. 2. If I were interested in being set up 3. If I was even LOOKING. They said it doesn't hurt to meet new people....we'll see.

My car was towed this morning to the body shop after sitting in my driveway, undriveable for a week. I'm telling you, Alfa Vision Insurance...I am not happy with them. They were very slow to make any progress with my claim. $3500 or so in damages. Hopefully my car isn't in there for too long. I miss her!

Allison Vu will be back in town on Tuesday night after being on vacation in Colorado for a month. I miss her and can't wait to see that evil child soon!

SO MANY BIRTHDAY's IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Counting down...

We are nearing the end of week 33 in this adventure of a pregnancy! I feel like a whale. No really, I feel like a fat cow every day lol. I know it's all for a good cause, but's not easy carrying around all this extra weight. I already love food too much as a non-preggo, so me being preggo + food = fat cow. The first and second trimesters were luckily easy for me and I was right on target with my weight gain. But this last trimester, oo wee! As the baby is growing, so is his appetite!

Oh yeah, I said "his" appetite, and not "her". Since I last blogged, we didn't know the sex of the baby. Baby Pope is indeed an ittle boooy - I clearly saw his ball balls and wee wee on the sonogram (and have a printout if anyone wants to see) lol. At first, coming up with his name was difficult. We knew we wanted to keep his middle name as "Allen" because that's Brice's and his dad's middle name. We had "Peter" as a backup first name in honor of Brice's dad but weren't sure because we also wanted the baby to have his own name. I always threw out random names based on random things I came upon, like if Brice was skateboarding and did an ollie, I'd ask, how about "Ollie Allen Pope"? Or I saw the DVD cover of Wall-e at the RedBox - how about "Wall-e Allen Pope"? I did this so often that Brice got tired of it and said, why don't we just name him "scooter" or "washer and dryer Allen Pope"?!? He thought I was just picking names based on every single item I saw. But I wasn't, I swear! Eventually, we made a name list after having read a name book (thanks to Co Sof!) and one name we both had listed was "Desmond". We like Desmond from Lost, especially when he says "brotha". And Desmond is Brice's late Uncle Glen's middle who was also named after Brice's great grand-dad. It is also Zayn's middle name. So then we threw out combos like "Desmond Allen Pope", "Peter Desmond Pope", "Desmond Peter Pope", ah ha! Peter Dezmond Allen Pope!! Peter for Brice's dad. Dezmond for Zayn (with the "Z" in honor of Zeezo), Uncle Glen, and Great grand-daddy. Allen for Brice and his daddy. Now we just gotta incorporate a Viet name - Peter Dezmond Banh Mi Allen Pope - SIIIIKE!!

Having Baby Pope's name out of the way is a relief! Now we just gotta prep for the baby shower =) and more..! I will be right about 9 months when the party occurs. Oh me oh my! I hope I don't pop during the celebration! Everyone keeps asking me, "are you having twins?" Or they say, "you look like you're about to pop!" I'm about to pop you in yo face if you don't shut up!! For some reason, it upsets me when people make such comments. I feel insulted like they're saying I'm fat - I mean I know I'm pregnant but am I that big? UGH! I just have to keep reminding myself that it's for the's gonna be over soon...a big belly is a beautiful baby belly...

Out of all the trimesters, I'd say this one is the hardest. It's when the stretch marks appear, your body totally is not the same, you get cankles, your boobs are the size of pumpkins (at least mine are - no bueno), you have some sleepless nights, you have some nights where 10 hours wasn't enough, you are going to the bathroom constantly, you can't get away with not having maternity clothes like you did in the first two trimesters, your movements are limited (like trying to get your phone when it falls under the seat in the car - Kilo can tell you haha), and I can go on and on...

BUT, there are UP's about being preggo too! Everyone is extra nice to you. Everyone wants to feed you (really they bring you food and say it's for the baby) and then they can't judge because you're growing a baby hehe. The UP's list is longer, but really, the best part is feeling the baby - feeling the kicks, the punches, the movements, seeing your belly make waves and pops, and just knowing there's life inside of you. I love going to my appointments and seeing the baby on the sonogram, hearing the baby's heartbeat...something weird that happens but I love is when the baby has hiccups! I love it when Brice puts his face on my belly to listen and talk to the baby too. And I just like rubbing my belly all day - it just makes me smile =D

Kudos to all the moms out there. I haven't even given birth yet, which I hear is THE hardest part of it all. But I also hear it's the most memorable thing about this long journey. That'll be another story...(and more!)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Introducing: The Boss & Nel

I recently got transferred to another position. I’m now working for an agency, which I will not specify for reasons that I learned during my security briefing. So, just playing it safe. Speaking of my security briefing, please take note: don’t ever think that homeless man you walk by everyday is really just a homeless man. Just saying.
Working here has been amazing so far. Well, amazing compared to where I was before. I love my boss, but I got pretty tired of being his personal assistant. He was annoying and always all up in my business. Yes, a micro-manager and not to mention, NEEDY. I couldn't even go to the bathroom for five minutes without coming back to more than one person making me feel like I was in trouble because he couldn’t find me.
“Were you looking for me?”
“Yes, where were you?”
“In the bathroom…”
“Oh…Ok, can you clean my desk?”

Seriously? So when he told me that he had a new position for me, I was on board before he even told me what it was. I don’t think I even asked until I was waiting on my security stuff to pass. He’s not all bad though. The Boss is my homie. He taught me all he could about the industry and let me participate and work on things I otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to without years of experience. He was also very understanding of the fact that my responsibilities of being a mother to my 4 (almost 5…omg) year-old daughter sometimes interfered with my timeliness and attendance. I was late at least three times a week due to a fashion argument. Thank goodness for uniforms next year! Yes, apparently pre-schoolers judge each other by what they wear. It’s pretty sad.
Speaking of that crazy girl, Nel got accepted to the catholic school at our parish. Let me tell you, signing her up was like applying to college. We did the tour, filled out her extensive application for admissions, then dropped it off and had to wait in suspense for months for an acceptance packet to come in the mail. So, when we got it, we were so excited! And when I say we, I mean my husband and I. I think this was her reaction... Cool. Can I have a piece of gum?”